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  • How Much Does a Medical Marijuana Evaluation Cost in Kentucky?
    Some doctors charge an exorbitant amount of money just for an initial examination. We feel strongly that if you qualify for medical marijuana, you shouldn't have trouble accessing it due to cost. As such, we offer a variety of payment methods, including discounts for veterans and referral discounts to those who spread the word about our services. After the first appointment, all follow-ups are free for 12 months.
  • When Will Medical Marijuana Products Be Available for Purchase in Kentucky?
    Medical marijuana products will be available for purchase at Kentucky dispensaries after January 1st, 2025. Subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when dispensaries officially open.
  • What Types of Medical Marijuana Products Will Be Available for Purchase in Kentucky?
    After January 1st, 2025, patients with a valid medical marijuana card will be able to purchase edibles, oils, tinctures, vapes, and raw plant material. SB 47 only allows the purchase of vapes for registered cardholders over the age of 21. Additionally,​ SB 47 prohibits Kentuckians from consuming raw plant material by smoking. SB 47 also requires that all raw plant materials packaged in the Commonwealth be labeled as "​not intended for consumption by smoking." ​
  • Can My Employer Drug Test Me for Medical Marijuana?
    Unfortunately, the answer is yes, they can. Most states do not provide protection against employer drug screening for medical marijuana card holders, and we won't know about Kentucky's protection laws until the program launches in 2025. It will most likely be left to the discretion of each employer whether they wish to recognize an employee's medical marijuana approval as an exemption to company drug testing policies. However, employers are prohibited from discriminating against an individual in hiring, termination, or any term or condition of employment based on an individual’s past or present status as a caregiver or a qualifying patient.
  • How Do I Apply to Be a Designated Caregiver?
    Kentucky's state medical marijuana registry offer forms for designated caregivers to complete on their website. Learn more by reading this reference guide.
  • ​What Is a Designated Caregiver?
    A designated caregiver is a person who is selected by a qualifying patient as the person authorized, on the qualifying patient’s behalf, to possess, obtain, dispense and assist in the administration of medical marijuana from a certified medical marijuana dispensary. It is not legal for caregivers to consume, by any means, medical marijuana that has been dispensed on behalf of a registered qualifying patient.
  • Is My Personal Information Kept Confidential?
    The privacy of our patients is a top priority of ours, so we go through great lengths to ensure all patient information is protected and kept confidential in our file storage system. We also promise to never share any of your contact information with any 3rd parties.
  • Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Kentucky?
    Kentucky's medical marijuana program will officially launch in January of 2025. However, we are seeing patients at our Lexington and Louisville locations. Book your appointment today!
  • What Conditions Make a Patient Eligible for Medical Marijuana in the State of Kentucky?
    Kentucky approved qualifying conditions for medical marijuana including: Any type or form of cancer, regardless of stage Chronic or debilitating pain, epilepsy or any other seizure disorder Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting syndrome that has been proven resistant to other conventional medical treatments Post-traumatic stress disorder Any other medical condition or disease that the Kentucky Center for Cannabis determines
  • If I Have a Valid Medical Marijuana Card, Will I Be Able to Drive With Medical Marijuana in the Car?
    Yes. However, it is important to note that you cannot: Operate any vehicle or machinery while under the influence of medical marijuana Consume medical marijuana while in control of a vehicle or machinery Possess medical marijuana that is within arm's reach or requires less than a two-step process to access while operating any machinery or transportation device
  • Do I Qualify for Medical Marijuana in the State of Kentucky?
    There are a variety of conditions that qualify for medical marijuana Kentucky. Here are the qualifying conditions that are approved for medical marijuana treatment: ​Any type or form of cancer Chronic or severe pain Epilepsy or other intractable seizure disorder Multiple sclerosis, muscle spasms, or spasticity Chronic nausea or cyclical vomiting syndrome Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Are Approved Patients Allowed to Smoke Marijuana?
    Smoking marijuana is not allowed under Kentucky's medical marijuana law.
  • What Is Medical Marijuana?
    ​Medical medical, also referred to as "cannabis", is a prescription-based product from the flowers of the Cannabis sativa L. plant that is used to ease symptoms caused by certain medical conditions.
  • Do I Need a Caregiver Card to Purchase Medical Marijuana for My Child?
    Yes. Typically, with qualified patients under 18 years, a legal guardian or parent is required to register as a caregiver. Here are the requirements regarding caregivers: ​ Must provide the name, address and date of birth of no more than two individuals chosen by the qualified patient to be designated as a caregiver, if the patient chooses to use one. Must provide a statement, signed by the qualified patient, pledging not to divert medicinal cannabis to anyone who is not permitted to possess it. This statement will include a list of potential penalties, including criminal prosecution, for illegally distributing medical cannabis. The patient’s caregivers must sign similar forms. Must submit an application or renewal fee for a registry identification card for a qualified patient. This includes an additional fee for cards granted to caregivers. Read more here:
  • What Are the Possession and Purchase Limits of Medical Marijuana?
    ​Registered qualified patients that have a current medical card will be able to possess a 30-day supply. Designated caregivers that have a current medical card will be able to purchase a 30-day supply for each patient they are assigned to. Visiting qualified patients with a current medical card can purchase a 10-day supply.
  • Where Will Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Be Located?
    ​Licensed medical marijuana dispensaries will be located throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Specific dispensary locations will be required to be located further than 1,000 feet of an existing elementary or secondary school or a daycare center and may be subject to additional restrictions by local governments. Check out our dispensary page for more info! Additionally, the Kentucky Medical Cannabis Program is providing a zoning tool to assist proposed cannabis businesses, local governments, and citizens with evaluating where cannabis businesses may be located. The tool can be found here​.
  • What Is THC?
    The cannabis plant has over 100 cannabinoids including THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is the primary compound in the cannabis plant and is responsible for most of the physiological effects.
  • Am I Guaranteed to Get Approved for Medical Marijuana After Seeing a Kentucky Marijuana Doctor?
    We can’t guarantee approval for anyone, as the doctor is the only person that makes the determination whether or not a patient qualifies. To make it more likely that you’ll receive approval from the doctor, we recommend that you bring as much information as possible to your appointment regarding your medical condition and past treatments.
  • How Do I Get a Kentucky Medical Marijuana Recommendation?
    To obtain your Kentucky medical marijuana recommendation, you need to have one of our Kentucky cannabis doctors confirm that you suffer from one or more of the qualifying conditions and recommend medical marijuana as a therapeutic treatment. Our staff at Kentucky Marijuana Card is here to simplify the process, connecting you with a certified doctor and filing all your necessary paperwork! You must meet the following conditions to qualify for a medical marijuana card: be a resident of Kentucky and either at least 18 years of age or have an assigned caregiver not been convicted of a disqualifying felony offense have a written certification from a medical practitioner indicating that you have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition and would benefit from the treatment of medical cannabis
  • Does Kentucky Have Reciprocity With Other States?
    We've heard that neighboring states may honor a Kentucky medical marijuana recommendation and charge you substantially less in taxes. Please see Executive Order 2022-798 for more information on obtaining medical cannabis outside of Kentucky.

Frequently Asked Questions for Medical Marijuana

How to Get a Kentucky Marijuana Card

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